Friday, June 27, 2008

Sighting Sine Die

Today, both the House and Senate have a slew of Conference Committees with several bills still proceeding through the legislative process. We are expected to go to the floor, simultaneously at 10:00 am to consider bills and, perhaps, Sine Die. Though I am a bit unsure as the calendar for today just shows a COW calendar, with no third readings or final passages scheduled. For a time yesterday there was talk of working over the weekend or even straight through to Monday. I doubt this is the case but lately reason has not prevailed.

With the passage of this abominable budget, I am feeling deflated. In addition to this, I am greatly disturbed about several things that took place yesterday including a brief yet incredibly rude interaction I had with several of my senior colleagues. The chauvinism they displayed was shocking and extremely distasteful. Perhaps I will have to chalk it up to the stress of the past few days...I will try to frame their bad behavior in this light, though at some point in time it might be interesting to examine the chauvinism alive and well in our Arizona Legislature.

My day needs to move forward so I will complete my post. Rest assured that thought the battle over the budget may be lost, I will not give up my fight to protect your hard-earned money, your private property rights, your precious personal freedoms and important individual liberties!

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