the lemonade is not so sweet,
the grass is not so green...
but I have hope and faith like never before
and I know I will see you again.
Bits of news & views from an Arizona State Legislator
State Representatives Russell Pearce, Bob Stump, Bob Robson, and Senators Pamela Gorman, Karen Johnson, and Ron Gould will be walking Lake Havasu City neighborhoods, registering voters and gathering signatures for my re-election as well as carrying petitions for several voter initiatives including the Arizona Tax Revolt. If you would like to join us, please call 928-855-5413 for further details. Time is running out and your help is needed! Make a difference in this world today!
FYI...Bob Stump and Bob Robson are currently State Representatives who are running for positions on the Arizona Corporation Commission along with Rep. Marion McClure.
BTW, thank you so much to all of you who are gathering signatures on my behalf! Frank and I are receiving petitions daily through the mail and every signature counts...thank you for taking the time to mail the petitions even if they have only two or three names on them. I appreciate you and your show of support. God bless you!