Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Budget Talks Break Down

To my surprise and dismay, the budget talks Senator Gould and I have been participating in daily have abruptly ended. I must admit shock and disappointment at House and Senate Leadership's announcement this afternoon that they have other "things" that they need to address therefore we won't be continuing our work together on a solution to the budget crisis we face. After fielding multiple questions on the reasons for their decision to halt these meetings and inquiries on the next/new approach, my colleagues and I sat disheartened and dumbfounded at the staggering turn of events.

Though at the moment I remain under a covenant of silence regarding the specific details of the meetings and cannot provide you with details of the discussions, I look forward to, in the near future, being release from said agreement and plan to share my notes with you, faithful reader. I can tell you that there is good news to be shared and that more progress was made in addressing the $2 Billion dollar shortfall...more progress than was thought possible, more consensus between legislators than expected, perhaps more than ever before. I am attempting to keep this in mind as I frame a healthy perspective. keeping with that perspective, I am thankful for the extra day off. Although I do not agree that we (the House of Representatives) should be taking a day off at this point and time, I am going to make the most of it by driving home to the district and gathering the 400+ signatures that I still need to get my name on the ballot. Please, if you are at all inclined to assist me in this necessary endeavor,of signature gathering, give me a call or send me an email. I do need your help as I have less than a month to accomplish this task!

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