Saturday, March 15, 2008

HCM 2003 ~ Opposing a North American Union

Sponsors: Rep. Biggs, Rep. Burges, Rep. Groe

HCM 2003 asks Congress to support House Concurrent Resolution (H.C.R.) 40 and not facilitate or promote a North American Union.


H.C.R. 40 was introduced in Congress by Congressman Virgil Goode of Virginia. H.C.R. 40 resolves that:

· The United States should not engage in the construction of a NAFTA Superhighway System;

· the United States should not enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada; and

· the President of the US should indicate strong opposition to these or any other proposals that threaten the sovereignty of the United States.

Provisions of HCM 2003:

· Asks that Congress support H.C.R. 40 or take other immediate action to withdraw the US from the SPP and involvement in NAFTA.

· Asks Congress to take action to withdraw the US from involvement in any activity that seeks to advance, authorize, fund or in any way promote a North American Union.

· Directs the Arizona Secretary of State to transmit copies to the President of the US, the President of the US Senate, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives and each member of Congress from Arizona.

This is the bill, the "postcard to Congress" that is generating so much hate mail to my colleagues who did not support the bill. Folks, settle is just a postcard.

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