Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Education Bills on Third Read

Today, there are a number of key education bills up for third read.

HB 2085 (scholarships; section 504 plan pupils)
This bill would expand the special education voucher to Section 504 plan students.

HB 2286 (school district boards; training)
This bill would require prospective school district governing board members to complete six hours of training.

HB 2560 (school districts; compliance; withholding monies)
This bill would allow up to 10% to be withheld from a district if it is deemed not in compliance with 15-341 (mandatory board duties), Chapter 5 (employment issues), and Chapter 7 (curriculum)

HB 2567 (school distrct boards; family members)
This bill would prospectively prohibit family members and married persons to serve on the same school district governing board if it is a three-member board.

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