Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Constituent Mail ~ HB 2573 off-highway vehicles; user fee

House Bill 2573 creates an off-highway vehicle user indicia, off-highway vehicle equipment requirements and off-highway vehicle operating regulations.

I voted "NO" on this bill for a variety of reasons (see recent post titled "Passage of HB 2573 is Criminal") and continue to work towards this bills demise. Below is an email from a constituent opposing this bill:

Thank you for trying to do the right thing by voting no on HB 2753. The law is absurd, and adding another layer of bureaucracy is equally absurd.

Families who have these vehicles I think for the most part try and protect the environment. I would go for more education on the environment and how to protect it; what to do and not do while using these vehicles. Your concern on the law itself is right on, as far as being not defining and making it a class 3-misdemeanor. I don’t know what it is with law makers, you pass laws and think that everyone is going to understand and obey them. When you try to pass a law such as this one that is opened to so much interpretation from the officers, attorneys’ and judges then the public becomes the big looser. I seriously think Arizona Game & Fish see the dollars being brought in more than anything else.

Thank you for seeing that and doing what you could do to stop it by voting “nay.”

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