Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Message From Russell Pearce

Above: One of the signs we encountered after our trip to the Arizona-Mexico Border.
Below: State Rep. Trish Groe talks to Republican Women on the floor of the House.

Can I call on you to help with getting signatures for Arizona State Representative Trish Groe this Saturday, May 24th? We must turn them in by June 4th.

Trish has been a solid Patriot and supported every single issue, assisting the Minutemen and addressing the illegal alien problem. She has been a stalwart on our issues, such as private property rights, 2nd amendment rights, national security issues, and securing the border. She went to the border with me on April 1st, 2005 for the original Minutemen big kick off.

We need Trish back at the Capitol...she needs your support to get there!

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