Monday, February 25, 2008

Constituent Mail: Commentary On SB1214~Concealed Weapons;School Campus

SB1214 – Separating Fact from Hyperbole

As can be expected with any socially-charged topic, the issue of Sen. Karen Johnson’s (and co-sponsors) SB1214 has created quite a stir here in Arizona. Unfortunately, there is more emotion, exaggeration, and distortion of facts being bantered about than at a WWE ‘SmackDown’.

First and foremost, I’d place a huge wager that the vast majority of those lambasting this bill have never read it, nor the associated Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) concerning firearms use, possession, carry, and related issues. Research SB1214 and ARS Title 13, Chapter 32 at and stop listening to the ignorant (uneducated) emotionally pontificate on this issue.

Let’s establish some foundational facts:
1. Federal Law already allows certified CCW licensees to carry weapons on school grounds (18 USC § 922(q)(2)(B)(ii)) – unless otherwise restricted by local law. Some states (e.g., Utah) do not restrict CCW carry on campuses, and there are no ‘wild west shoot outs’ as a result.
2. Legal concealed weapons carry is already the law of Arizona. CCW licensees are subjected to an extensive law enforcement check, where any significant prior infractions disqualify an applicant. Applicants are required to be 21 or older, attend regulated mandated training including firearms use, safety, laws, and legal briefings on use of deadly force. Applicants must pass safety and practical shooting exams at a range – under supervision of certified instructors.
3. Most CCW holders are experienced firearms owners/operators – all have passed the training and investigation. Many, like me, are current or former military with extensive weapons training. Because we are conscientious no-nonsense folks, the general public isn’t even aware we are armed in the grocery stores, gas stations, malls, cinemas, and convenience stores you frequent.
4. Despite the Chicken Little-like cries of anti-gunners, Arizona did not fall into chaos when licensed CCW became state law in 1994. You don’t see licensed CCW holders shooting jay-walkers and candy-bar shop lifters like the anti-gun folks warned. Nor have any of the 48 states which have codified their citizens’ rights granted under the U.S. Constitution (that would be the 2nd Amendment to those who never read that either) had systematic problems with CCW holders. (Note: most states, like AZ, have ‘shall issue’ CCW laws, another 8 have ‘may issue’ laws.)
5. SB1214 does not require anyone to carry a weapon, anywhere. SB1214 does not demand that anyone use a weapon, in any circumstance. Distortions and outright lies aside, SB1214 will not arm students and teachers around AZ. It forces no one to do anything.
6. Sen. Johnson’s bill proposes that individuals, meeting rigid state-sanctioned requirements, be permitted (not required or obligated) to carry a weapon in the heretofore ‘gun free school zones’ should they wish; same as we do in our homes, businesses, stores, parks, etc. This harmonizes state law with federal.
7. While many violent criminals and murderers are mentally deficient – few are so stupid as to plan an attack on an armed target. Claims that such persons don’t “think clearly or logically, so he would not reason through the possibility of confrontation with an armed teacher” (a.k.a. victim) lacks credibility and logic. Why do these same attackers target schools (a.k.a. ‘gun free zones’) instead of police stations, National Guard Armories, Military Installations, or even sportsmen at the local gun club/range?
8. Even the suicidal psychopaths that eventually take their own lives are looking for soft targets to maximize their demented 15-minutes of fame. Armed trained adults on campus might not totally deter such psychos – but they might be able to end their carnage while the victim count is still low. (Case in point: 09-Dec-07, an armed CCW church member in Colorado stopped Matthew Murray before he killed anyone inside the church; he had previous killed 2 people at a missionary training facility and 2 people in the church parking lot. After being incapacitated by the experienced CCW licensee, Murray killed himself.)

Much of the anti SB1214 propaganda has been by teachers. Those I have read recite the same disingenuous fear-based nonsense that permitting guns on campus will result in more random violence… shootings over hallway scuffles and lunch line cuts. In their illogical world, CCW holders who carry and behave responsibly everywhere else in the state will suddenly become idiots when on a school campus. I think not.

Some teachers have stated they don’t want to carry guns; great – they shouldn’t. But their fear, inexperience, and lack of training should not preclude those who are properly trained and motivated from doing so.

SB1214 is a good idea – one which gets the full support of citizens like myself who are willing, able, and fully qualified to protect myself and/or my charges.

Joe Walker
Nationally Certified Firearms Instructor
AZ State Certified Firearms Instructor
Former US Army Officer (Ranger, Airborne)

Joe Walker has been an avid shooter since childhood; he was raised around firearms and learned their safe and effective use at an early age. He became a certified shooting instructor while competing on his university’s rifle team in the mid-1970s. Later, he received advanced precision long range shooting training with the US Army and served as the Captain of one of the Army’s installation Rifle & Pistol Teams. He has participated in civilian and military shooting competitions domestically and internationally. He is a nationally certified firearms instructor and an Arizona State certified CCW course instructor. He has an AZ CCW license and is a decorated veteran Army Officer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a teacher AND a veteran, I agree with Mr. Walker.