Wednesday, April 16, 2008

HCR 2039~Illegal aliens; Enforcement; Trespassing

HCR2039 removes all Sanctuary Policies in the state and allows officers to inquire about legal status and to act on that info, and withholds money from cities or counties that have a policy that restricts law enforcement from enforcing the law only until they change their illegal policy and then restores the money. It also has a Trespass provision that makes it a state crime of trespassing if one enters or remains in Arizona in violation of federal law and allows law enforcement to turn over to ICE or arrest on the trespass provision and that provision was on the request of a couple of Sheriffs.

HCR2039 is endorsed by:

-Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (2500 officers)
-NAILEM: a neighborhood group of over 4000 citizens working for safer neighborhoods
-Sheriff Joe
-County Attorney Andy Thomas
-State Republican Party (endorsed in '07 and '08 unanimously at our state mandatory meeting)
-By over 75% of legal Arizona citizens

"This country has lost control of its borders. And no country can sustain that kind of position." - President Ronald Reagan

We are a nation of laws. We must have the courage – the fortitude – to enforce, with compassion but without apology, those laws that protect the integrity of our borders and the rights of our lawful citizens.

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