Wednesday, April 16, 2008

An Education Report Card

Many of the most respected free-market organizations publish education "report cards." For instance, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has just released its annual Report Card on American Education, which I hope you have the chance to review. The Milton & Rose D. Friedman Foundation also just released its 2007-2008 ABCs of School Choice, a valuable reference tool, analyzing laws in place in each state.

By clicking the following link, you will find The Heartland Institute's contribution to the fight for our children's future. What makes Heartland's 2008 Choice & Education Across the States unique is its "survey" approach to school choice. Using sources like those mentioned above, the report synthesizes a ranking of states' school choice programs, taking into account charter schools, public school choice, tax credits, tax-funded scholarships, and voucher programs in order to give the broadest ranking of school choice programs available.

Inside you will learn:

  • The most promising alternative to top-down efforts to create accountability in education is school choice, and there is ample evidence school choice works;

  • School choice is politically viable: in poll after poll, respondents agree by wide margins; and

  • Florida ranks second-best, Washington state ranks second-worst;flip to pages 8-9 to find out the winners and losers, and where Arizona ranks.

I encourage you to discuss education policy with your colleagues, family and friends. If you are a parent, talk with your children about the experience they have at school.

No doubt this peer-reviewed report will raise some controversy. Mr. Martin welcomes your comments, suggestions, and requests for additional research, commentary, or testimony -- feel free to call him at 312/377-4000 or send him email,

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