Saturday, March 22, 2008

Constituent Mail: SB1214~Concealed Weapons, School Grounds

NOTE: This piece of constituent mail was written to a Senator (not our Senator Gould) who voted against SB 1214 which allows people with a valid CCW permit to carry on the grounds of a community college or university.

Dear Senator "XYZ",

We are two of your voting constituents (District "007") and voted for you in your last election. You are our voice and we want you to vote YES on SB 1214!

This bill is to allow people with a concealed weapons (CCW) permit "to carry" on a school campus. Have you taken a Concealed Weapons training course, Senator "XYZ"? We are trained not only on how to use a weapon, but when NOT TO USE a weapon. If I am in fear for my life, my weapon "might" be used only if certain safety criteria are met first before shooting. We are taught gun safety! A CCW permit holder is not imitating the Wild West days of Jesse James and running ramped or firing a gun at will.

You have upheld our Second Amendment rights in the past and we demand that our rights to carry a concealed weapon even on a school campus be honored as well.

Thank you for your YES vote on SB 1214, and we look forward to hearing back from you on this matter.

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