Monday, January 28, 2008

Constituent Mail

I love hearing from my constituents and make it a practice to read and answer emails that are sent to my legislative email address from the folks in District III. (Form emails, up to 400 at a time clogging my inbox, go unanswered.) Most emails contain requests for assistance and I am glad to help if I can and if I cannot, I try to provide the name and number of someone who can. Many emails contain comments and perspective on a particular bill that assist me in shaping an opinion on that proposed legislation. And then there are some like this....

The United States is a socialist country and uses national socialism through a 2 way lobotomy (low band width programmer) bug in planted secretly after birth in the forehead sinus cavity to provide for profiled pacification and the direct control needed to run all of the activity used to drive the agendas of the political parties plus the control is used to psychologically condition the citizens so it’s effects cannot be undone while their educations are crippled to deny them the ability to defend themselves or retaliate outside of the pre-set stages of the government used to control damage so that a new approach can be used.

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