Friday, August 17, 2007

Texting While Driving?

State Representative Steve Farley, a Tucson Democrat, introduced a bill in January to prohibit driving while texting. The bill did not make it out of the Transportation Committee because Chairman Andy Biggs said that we already have bills in place (reckless driving legislation) that address this issue. I agree. Though I use a hands-free device to return phone calls in my car, I am not one who texts while driving...can't imagine being able to do so with all of those tiny buttons on my phone.

According to a recent article in the Arizona Capitol Times, Representative Farley promises to bring the proposal back and perhaps even make it stricter. Last session's bill can be viewed by clicking the title of this post.

What's next...laws against eating while driving, putting on make-up while driving, talking with your hands while driving? What about changing the radio station while driving? Where does it end? How about focusing on enforcement of the current law against reckless driving instead of passing new legislation?

As O'Rielly asks, "What say you"?

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