Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Catching Up

Last week I was in PHX working from my office at the Capitol, catching up with the Speaker, talking with Russel Pearce, getting to know my new assistant, Christina Miller, who I share with Representative Andy Tobin. Yes, that is right, share! In the Senate members each have their own assistant, but in the House, unless you are leadership you usually have to share.

I am getting ready to attend the Governor’s Rural Economic Conference next week. Ron Walker, the Mohave County Manager and Jonas Peterson, the Deputy Director of the Mohave County Community and Economic Development office are going to be there also. (I sold Jonas and his wife a house when they moved to Lake Havasu and now they attend our church.)

At the end of this month I am participating in the League of Cities & Towns annual conference where the theme is “Today’s Choices: Tomorrow’s Reality”. Kingman Mayor Les Byram is one of the conference planners so I expect him to attend and I believe Charlie Cassens will be there representing Lake Havasu City. Some of the topics being discussed at these events will include: Planning for Future Water Supplies, Planning for Growth at the Local, Regional, and State Level, Impact Fees, Workforce Housing~Inovative Ideas and Solutions, & Transportation~The Road (Rail, Air, & Transit) to the Future. I am looking forward to lively discussions on all of these vital areas and cannot wait to expand upon my knowledge!

The legislature is supposed to be holding CPS hearings at the end of the month, though I think they might be moved into September. The hearings will possibly be open to the public, which is unusual, but I do not think that they are planning on taking public testimony. I will let post the details as soon as Representative Kirk Adams, the chairman of the Government Committee, provides the information.

There is a little talk of special session whether to address the illegal immigration legislation or the unbalanced budget. I do not believe that this will come to fruition and from what I took from my time with Speaker Weier’s last week, he agrees.

Coming Soon: The Auditor General takes a look at Colorado City schools!

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