Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Water Bills

2 Water Bills Moving through The Senate Currently:

Bill: HB2431 – Water Supply Notification

Summary: This bill would require information on a property’s water supply to be made available to buyers for areas that have not been subdivided. Buyers would also be informed who to go to if the property does not have a water supply determination. Currently, only initial buyers must receive this information

Bill:HB2294– Regional Planning for Water Resources

Summary: This bill requires the cities and towns that must include water resources in their general plans to project water demand for the next 20 years. It requires that cities outside an Active Management Area (AMA) plan for water use in coordination with other governing bodies in the same groundwater basin with regards to water supplies, conservation efforts, and drought management efforts. It also requires cities that do not have general plans to collaborate and provide information to other governing bodies in their region. This measure is needed to empower governing bodies outside the AMAs to sustainably plan their water use.

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