Saturday, August 11, 2007

DPS Sex Offender InfoCenter

Check out this website! Information is provided for sex offenders with risk assessment scores of Level 2 (Intermediate) or Level 3 (High) on the following website. Copy this link and send it to your loved they say, "another tool in the toolbox".

JLBC~Monthly Fiscal Highlights

The Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) has posted its report of monthly fiscal highlights online and they can be viewed by clicking the above title. (I know I keep repeating myself on about clicking on the title for each post, but I have new readers here that are unfamiliar with the wiley ways of the world-wide web.)

Here is a sampling from latest report:

Preliminary June General Fund revenue collections were $1.05 billion, or (5.0)% below June 2006. This amount was $(86.6) million below the monthly forecast based on the recently enacted state budget. For all of FY 2007, preliminary General Fund revenue collections totaled $9.63 billion, or 3.7% above FY 2006. This amount is $(225.8) million below the enacted forecast. Year-end book closing is still occurring, and these preliminary numbers are subject to change.

The June results were below forecast for all the major categories:

• Individual income tax collections were (7.0)% below June 2006 and $(47.3) million below the recently enacted budget forecast.

• Sales tax revenue was (1.9)% below June 2006. Monthly collections fell short of the forecast by $(13.6) million.

• Corporate income tax collections were (11.1)% below last year, and $(22.3) million below the forecast.

The JLBC's Monthly Fiscal Highlights reports also include easy-to-read briefings of the previous JLBC meetings and short summaries of reportings from various goverment agencies. This month's report includes information from 12 different agencies including ADOT, the Department of Education, and AHCCCS...well worth checking out!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Mohave County Sheriff's Office Volunteer Possee

August 9, 2007

Sheriff’s Volunteer Posse Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

The Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Volunteer Posse (formerly known as Sheriff’s Citizen Action Team, S.C.A.T.), celebrates its ten year anniversary this month.

In 1997, shortly after taking office, Sheriff Tom Sheahan saw the need for a well trained volunteer unit to assist deputies with their everyday tasks and created the volunteer unit. From a small group of volunteers to over 50 strong today, the Sheriff’s Posse is an important part of the Sheriff’s Office daily functions. Posse members conduct property checks, vacation watches, transport prisoners and evidence. Additionally, they are called upon to assist with special events, patrol neighborhoods, direct traffic, assist with crime scene preservation and numerous other duties. Posse members receive formal training in an academy taught by Sheriff’s officials and utilize that training everyday. Posse member’s patrol throughout the entire county as needed.

To become a member of the Sheriff’s Volunteer Posse, you may contact Deputy John Slaughter at the Sheriff’s Office, 928-753-0753, extension 4509.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

General Fund Appropriations, FY 2007-2008

One thick book in my tall pile of reading is the State of Arizona House of Representatives Summary of Legislation for the Forty-Eighth Legislature, First Regular Session, 2007 Edition. I am attempting to locate an electronic copy of this report and will publish a link to such ASAP.

I am posting as I am reading so bear with me as I want to share this information on how General Fund Monies are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2007-2008....

Okay, I found a new Google feature that allows you to create documents and charts then publish them online. I plugged the information into a basic chart and I think if you click on the title above you will find the information.

Sharp readers will not that the percentages in the right column add up to a bit over 100%. Very crafty! I transposed the numbers as they were published so I have no explanation for this.

Coming Soon: Additional Budget Information and Summaries of New Legislation!

Upcoming JCCR Meeting


Thursday, August 16, 2007
1:30 p.m.
Senate Appropriations Room 109


- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes of June 19, 2007.
- DIRECTOR'S REPORT (if necessary)

1. ARIZONA STATE PARKS BOARD - Review of State Lake Improvement Fund Projects.
2. SCHOOL FACILITIES BOARD - Review of FY 2008 New School Construction Report.
3. ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY - Review of Revised Scope of Academic Renovations and
Deferred Maintenance Phase IIB Bond Project.
4. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION - Review of FY 2008 Building Renewal
Allocation Plan.

The Chairman reserves the right to set the order of the agenda.

People with disabilities may request accommodations such as interpreters, alternative formats, or assistance with physical accessibility.

Requests for accommodations must be made with 72 hours prior notice. If you require accommodations, please contact the JLBC Office at (602) 926-5491.

ADOT's Current Five-Year Transportaion Construction Program

The Five-year High-ways and Airport Construction Program (2008-2012) is now available for viewing on ADOT's website. Although it makes for slightly dry reading, there is important information to be found. Take time to read the introduction of the report as it thoroughly defines what it process they use, "The Priority Programming Process" and how this process works. The reading at this point is fairly easy and the process makes sense, at least on paper. Further in the report there is a summary of dollars by county and also a bit of financial information on the Hoover Dam Bypass.

At the bottom of page 9 you will find a small chart that list the cities that receive monies under a federal program, 5311, Rural Public Transportation Program. According to the report, the FTA appropriates over $8.3 Million annually to fund rural public transit systems to communities with under 50,000 population. LD III cities listed as participating in the program are Kingman, Bullhead City, and Lake Havasu City.

Page 12 broaches the subject of Aviation needs, how they are identified, then prioritized. The airport project rating system is a weighed scale and points are awarded to the following factors:

  • Project is on main runway
  • New construction
  • Number of aircraft on wait list
  • Annual passengers enplaned for scheduled air service
  • Annual aircraft operations to capacity ratio

When both highway and aviation project requests have been prioritized and matched with available funding the update is presented to the State Transportation Board for their authorization to release the Tentative Program for review by the public. Public Hearings are then conducted. Hearing locations are established in January and are, according to this report, scheduled for your convenience in Flagstaff, Phoenix, and Tucson. Great...

If this sort of stuff interest you or you just want to see the wheres and hows your money is being spent, click on the title of this post. I was going to say "and research until your heart is content" but following your tax dollar usually just leads to heart-burn. My sympathies.

If you have any questions or comments about how you can become involved in the ADOT Priority Programming Process call:

Dale Buskirk, Director ~Transportation Planning Division ~ (602) 712-7431 or email him at

Barclay Dick, Director ~ Aeronautics Division ~ (602) 294-9144 or email him at

If you prefer to call me with your questions, I will call them, ask the questions, and get back to you.


Coming Soon: Whatever I grab off my huge pile of reading!

New Auditor General Report on Colorado City School District

While in PHX last week I recieved a copy of a letter dated July 31, 2007 sent to Tom Horne, Superintendent of Public Instruction, from Debra Davenport, AZ Auditor General regarding the latest financial status of the Colorado City Unified School District No.14. The letter accompanied a report issued by the Auditor General's office on July, 26, 2007. (By clicking on the title of this post you can access the report on the Auditor General's website.)

Recommendations of the Auditor General's office include the following:

  1. The District should improve its financial condition.
  2. The District should maintain conflict of interest files.
  3. The District should improve controls over purchasing and expenditures.
  4. The District should maintain accurate capital assests and stewardship lists.
  5. The District's controls over cash receipts and bank acconts should be strenghtened.
  6. The District should maintain acurate student attendance records.
  7. The District's financial information should be accurately maintained and reported.

These recommendations are based on the following concerns:

  1. The District's auditors expressed substantial doubt about the District's ability to continue its operations.
  2. The District did not document conflicts of intrest for employees.
  3. The District did not always follow competitive purchasing requirements, and therefore, could not ensure it received the best value for the public monies it spent. (CCUD received over $5.1 Million of taxpayer dollars in fiscal year 2006.)
  4. The District did not maintain complete complete and accurate capital assets and stewardship lists, and did not always identify items as district property to protect them from loss or theft.
  5. Poor cash controls left district and student monies susceptible to loss, theft, or misuse.
  6. The District did not always record partial-day attendance correctly, and as a result, may not have received the proper amount of funding.
  7. The District did not ensure the accuracy of its cash balances since its records were not reconciled to the County Treasurer's records.

Now, all of this sounds serious, and, well, it is but I have confidence in Peter Davis. Mr Davis, a CPA and owner of Simons Consulting in Phoenix is the receiver hired in December 2005. Davis was charged with bringing the district back into compliance of guidelines prescribed by Arizona law. Mr. Davis is a man of action. Sweeping changes followed his hiring as cell phones, credit cards, and even vehicles were taken away from district staff. He brought new staff aboard, too. I have met Mr. Davis during his many visits to the Capitol and we have spoken at length about the situation he faces so when I saw this report I gave him a call. Davis assures me that all issues mentioned in the Auditor General's report are being recitfied and his response to the report will be forthcoming, probably sometime next week. Look for a paraphrased version of it here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Catching Up

Last week I was in PHX working from my office at the Capitol, catching up with the Speaker, talking with Russel Pearce, getting to know my new assistant, Christina Miller, who I share with Representative Andy Tobin. Yes, that is right, share! In the Senate members each have their own assistant, but in the House, unless you are leadership you usually have to share.

I am getting ready to attend the Governor’s Rural Economic Conference next week. Ron Walker, the Mohave County Manager and Jonas Peterson, the Deputy Director of the Mohave County Community and Economic Development office are going to be there also. (I sold Jonas and his wife a house when they moved to Lake Havasu and now they attend our church.)

At the end of this month I am participating in the League of Cities & Towns annual conference where the theme is “Today’s Choices: Tomorrow’s Reality”. Kingman Mayor Les Byram is one of the conference planners so I expect him to attend and I believe Charlie Cassens will be there representing Lake Havasu City. Some of the topics being discussed at these events will include: Planning for Future Water Supplies, Planning for Growth at the Local, Regional, and State Level, Impact Fees, Workforce Housing~Inovative Ideas and Solutions, & Transportation~The Road (Rail, Air, & Transit) to the Future. I am looking forward to lively discussions on all of these vital areas and cannot wait to expand upon my knowledge!

The legislature is supposed to be holding CPS hearings at the end of the month, though I think they might be moved into September. The hearings will possibly be open to the public, which is unusual, but I do not think that they are planning on taking public testimony. I will let post the details as soon as Representative Kirk Adams, the chairman of the Government Committee, provides the information.

There is a little talk of special session whether to address the illegal immigration legislation or the unbalanced budget. I do not believe that this will come to fruition and from what I took from my time with Speaker Weier’s last week, he agrees.

Coming Soon: The Auditor General takes a look at Colorado City schools!

The Road to Recovery

This year has been a rough one, though I brought it all on myself. I have not written about my battle with alcohol, my arrest, my legal situation, or the state legislature. Because I desire to write about the latter, I find that I first must address the former.

Because my legal situation is yet to be resolved I will write about my arrest once and only once on this blog. I will open the comment section and publish all comments, no matter what your opinion, if they are civil and without profanity, lies will be deleted. Any questions regarding Calvary Center, the rehabilitation center I attended can be answered by their staff at Calvary Center. The toll free number is 866-76-SOBER.

On the evening of March 22, I was arrested in Parker, Arizona for driving under the influence. I was taken to the La Paz County Sherriff’s office. My car was towed and impounded. I thank God that I was stopped and give great thanks that I did not injure others by my appalling behavior. I was released several hours later into the custody of a family member who lives nearby. From what I have been told, this is standard operating procedure for the La Paz County Sherriff’s office.

Approximately one week later I took a leave of absence from the state legislature and entered Calvary Center, a 30-day, faith-based rehabilitation facility located in Phoenix. Although I regret missing time and votes at the Capitol, I am confident that I made the right decision. The staff at Calvary Center taught me the skills I needed to successfully battle my addiction to alcohol and at this time, I am over 4 months sober. If someone you know has a problem with alcohol, drugs, and/or gambling, Calvary Center is the place for them. It costs a fraction of what other facilities charge but the doctors, therapists; the entire staff in fact, is top notch. People from all over the country, from all walks of life comprised the patient population.

Though I focused on my recovery by attending daily mandatory meetings, lectures, group therapy, bible study and work therapy, I was also able to touch base with my colleagues for brief periods of time (by email) in order take part in the budget process. I also was allowed documents pertaining to the state budget along with any priority mail from constituents.

After my rehabilitation I resumed work at the legislature. I reinstated my driver’s license, which had been suspended for 30 days after my arrest, by applying for a 60-day restricted license. This allowed me to drive back and forth to work. 90 days have passed and I now have no restrictions on my license.

No charges have been filed against me yet. I expect charges to be filed any day now. I do not know the reason for the delay. I do not know the gentleman who will be prosecuting my case. Most of what I learn about my case I read in the paper.

At times I feel my life is in limbo, not knowing what the future holds and yes, this is all of my doing. I can’t dwell on this though as it does not make for a very productive day, in fact, it does no good at all. Besides, from the amount of email I get, there are so many others who have taken up this cause. What I know is this…I made a horrible mistake in drinking and driving. I put countless others at risk with complete disregard. I have no excuse. I am sorry for that and sorry for betraying the trust of all who counted on me. I am a Christian and a leader and my behavior has not reflected either. I do not know if I will be able to retain my position. Certainly there are those who desire for me to step down. I will not. This decision is not borne out of pride but of the knowledge that I have been effective as a conservative republican. I stand by my voting record, my awards, and accomplishments. I am not boasting, instead using them as a testament to my effectiveness.

So for now I work, doing the good work I have been blessed to do. I focus on the good in my life and the good I can do for others. I celebrate my good fortune every day which includes my family and friends, my God, my sobriety, and my work. In whatever situation I am learning to be content.