Friday, August 15, 2008

Quick Facts on K-12 Education

Hey folks...I just recieved an email from majority staff at the Arizona House of Representatives that included some interesting facts and I thought that I would pass them along. As usual, I welcome your input or comments on these numbers.

Per pupil K-12 education funding from all sources has increased from $5,721 per pupil in FY 1998 to almost $9,400 in FY 2007. This per pupil amount reflects an increase of funding equal to approximately 64%. Over this same timeframe, average daily membership pupil counts for K-12 education have increased from 770,013 to an estimated 1,030,811, reflecting a pupil count increase of approximately 34%. Sources of estimated FY 2007 funding:

State Funding FY 2007 estimated

Basic State Aid (BSA) $3,505,087,300

Additional State Aid $323,961,600

Other Formula Programs $35,915,200

Non-Formula Programs $91,226,300

ADE Administration $11,164,700

BSA--Permanent State School Fund $45,220,700

SFB--New School Facilities $250,000,000

SFB--Building Renewal $86,283,500

Proposition 301--Classroom Site Fund $440,190,800

Proposition 301--Other $102,780,500

Subtotal $4,891,830,600

County and Local (formula and non-formula) $3,530,596,100

Federal $1,261,734,506

Total $9,684,161,206

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