Thursday, January 11, 2007

Number of Bills Introduced as of Today in the AZ House

As of 5:00 p.m. today, 1/11/07, the total number of introduced Bills,
Memorials and Resolutions is 606:

568 Bills
5 HCM's
33 HCR's

Last year was the highest after the fourth day of session - 688 -- 657 Bills and 31 Memorials and Resolutions

Introduced in one day - today, on Thursday, 1/11/07 - the total number of Bills, Memorials and Resolutions introduced is 396:

358 Bills
5 HCM's
33 HCR's

The total of 396 for one day is the fourth highest ever introduced in one day in the House and is the second highest number introduced in one day for a first regular session.
The highest number of bills introduced in one day was in 1999 - 460 total - 446 Bills and 14 Memorials and Resolutions.

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